Enrollment at SCFS
We are excited you are considering SCFS as a partner in your child's education. We understand the importance of finding the right fit for your family, and we encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our unique approach.
Space at South Columbia School is limited, so we encourage families to inquire early. Please contact the school to discuss your options and determine if SCFS is the right fit for your child. We're here to help with future enrollment planning.
Our Agreements
At SCFS, we believe in a strong partnership between parents, students, and teachers. To ensure a successful experience for all, we have outlined the following agreements.
SCFS agrees to:
Plan and deliver specific courses aligned with our mission, philosophy, and charter outcomes.
Use our preferred instructional strategies in the classroom.
Meet regularly with students and parents/learning coaches.
Maintain accurate records of student attendance, instructional hours, and performance outcomes.
Work with families to create and adhere to each student's Individualized Learning Plan (ILP).
Monitor student progress toward meeting goals.
Provide lessons, instruction, and student assessments.
Work with families to select state-accepted instructional materials.
Assist families with identifying community-based learning activities.
Keep the SCFS administrator informed of families' satisfaction or concerns.
Provide training to parents/families as needed.
Parents & Students agree to:
Help create and follow the student's ILP.
Provide support and coaching as outlined in the ILP.
Complete learning activities at home.
Adhere to state requirements for attendance.
Meet regularly with the licensed teacher and bring up-to-date work.
Complete assigned work at home.
Use state- and SCFS-approved instructional materials.
Contact the teacher when needed.
Provide transportation for the child to and from school.